USPBL Pitching Camp

Biomechanics Analysis Overview and Next Steps

DVS Baseball thanks the United Shore Professional Baseball League for the opportunity to provide all pitchers with our proprietary DVS Score Biomechanics Analysis.

Watch the “Welcome Video” by our founder, Justin Orenduff, and review the provided information to understand the DVS Score. As a participant, you receive one FREE MONTH of our online M.V.P. Program. After your first free month, you will be billed 14.95 / month unless you cancel.

For a personalized review of your video and report, fill out the form, and we’ll get back to you quickly.

M.V.P. Program Discount Code: USPBL24

Speak with DVS Baseball


Justin Orenduff, founder of DVS Baseball, provides an overview of the value in getting your DVS Score

Additional Videos

In this video, Justin Orenduff reviews the components of the DVS Score and a few key metrics that encompass a pitcher's DVS Score.

How does the M.V.P. Program make you more successful as a baseball pitcher? In this video, Justin Orenduff details how the M.V.P. Program is structured to help you understand and achieve what it takes to fulfill and sustain in-game success.

“Youth pitchers born after 1995 face a 270% increased risk of arm injuries due to injurious pitfalls in the sport.”

— DVS Injury Risk Model Findings

Why We Started DVS Baseball

Understanding the Pitching Injury Epidemic

The Problem

  • Rising Injury Rates: Over the past decade, there has been a significant increase in major arm injuries among amateur and professional baseball pitchers.

  • Tommy John Surgeries: 57% of Tommy John surgeries were performed on 15-19-year-olds last year.

  • Financial Impact: Since 2015, over $3 billion has been paid to injured pitchers, with MLB teams losing about 10% of their total payroll annually due to pitching injuries.

Case Studies and Statistics

  • MLB Draft Data:

    • 2015: 53% of top 50 drafted pitchers underwent surgery on their throwing arms; 14 are no longer playing.

    • 2016: 84% of top 50 drafted pitchers suffered throwing arm injuries; 52% underwent surgery.

    • College World Series: 40% of pitchers signed from the 2021 Men's College World Series have experienced a throwing arm injury since being drafted.

Why Pitchers Get Hurt

  • Culture Factors: Increased emphasis on throwing velocity, college scholarships, and year-round playing contribute to the rise in injuries.

  • Mechanical Patterns: A pitcher's mechanical pattern is crucial in determining the stress placed on their throwing arm.

  • Mass Confusion: With more choices than ever before, how does a player, parent, or coach disseminate the right information to aid in safe pitching practices.

The DVS X-Ray Mocap Kit

The most affordable and practical markerless motion capture system on the market.

The DVS X-Ray Mocap Kit enables organizations, leagues, trainers, and coaches to participate in the Save The Arms Campaign to reach more pitchers in communities worldwide. For a one-time purchase of $1995, you can film pitchers and effortlessly upload the footage to generate automated biomechanical analysis that provide an in-depth look at the current injury risk of pitchers mechanics.

Our Solution

Providing objectivity and clarity across baseball communities



  • Innovative Solutions: DVS Baseball offers advanced pitcher health and performance solutions through the Delivery Value System (DVS), a proprietary, medically published, and statistically validated biomechanical model.

  • Goals and Vision: Our goal is to help pitchers achieve their highest potential while staying healthy. Our vision is to empower the next generation of healthy baseball pitchers through collaboration and promoting overall well-being.

Key Components of DVS Baseball

  1. DVS Score: A biomechanical analysis that assesses throwing arm injury risk in baseball pitchers.

  2. Injury Risk Model (IR Model): Predicts a pitcher's injury probability using historical data and continuous training with new data.

  3. M.V.P. Program: A training program designed to improve a pitcher’s DVS Score, enhance performance, and reduce injury risk.

DVS Baseball's Proven Success

  • Medically Validated: The Delivery Value System was published alongside Duke Orthopedic Surgeons and adopted for use by the Mayo Clinic.

  • Field-Proven: Over 40 pitchers from the United Shore Professional Baseball League have signed contracts with MLB Organizations, with only two major arm injuries in eight professional seasons.