1 on 1 with Justin

Getting Started

I just purchased my subscription to starting training with Justin, now what?

You will be personal welcome email from Justin about getting started with 1 on 1 with Justin. In the meantime, you can go ahead and fill out the form below to provide Justin with all relevant information to help onboard you into the program. The more specific information, the better. Whether this is your first time in the program, or returning, fill out the fields with the most up to date information. Thanks!

How do I upload my film for Justin to analyze?

Once enrolled into the 1 on 1 with Justin, you will be automatically enrolled into unlimited online training lessons via the DVS Baseball M.V.P. App. Once Justin starts the conversation with you through the DVS Baseball M.V.P. App, you can easily upload the video directly from your phone or tablet.

If you are having any trouble, contact Justin directly or you can upload your film to the folder link below.

Please label each file in this format.

  • Format: “First Last, view, pitch #”

  • Example: Justin Orenduff, side, 1

When will I review the information with Justin?

Once Justin has completed your initial DVS Score Report, or received the form above, he will reach out to you to schedule your initial zoom consultation.