DVS Score - Biomechanical Analysis
Getting Started
I just purchased a DVS Score online, what do I do now?
We are excited to provide you with our proprietary DVS Score Analysis. In the meantime, you can go ahead and fill out the form below to provide DVS Baseball with all relevant information to help onboard you into the program. The more specific information, the better. Whether this is your first time in the program, or returning, fill out the fields with the most up to date information. Thanks!
How do I upload my film for DVS to analyze?
Once you purchase a DVS Score, DVS will share a folder with you to which you can easily drop your film in for review.
What views do I need to upload?
A direct side view (front facing) and a direct back view need to be uploaded for efficient scoring. See visual example below.
Please label each file in this format.
Format: “First Last, view, pitch #”
Example: Justin Orenduff, side, 1
How do I upload my film for DVS to analyze?
Once you have filmed the two necessary videos, you can upload the videos into the link below.
When will I receive my DVS Score?
Once you place your videos into the folder, please allow 24-48 hours for DVS to complete your analysis. All the results will be placed back into the folder for your review.