The Roller Coaster Effect: Unlocking Velocity Through Momentum and Sequencing

Throughout my career—from pitching in the Los Angeles Dodgers organization to my time as an amateur—I never fully grasped how momentum, sequencing, and energy transfer could be optimized. I knew how to compete. I knew how to throw hard. But I didn’t understand how to let energy work for me rather than forcing it.

That understanding came over time. Looking back, I wish I had known then what I know now.

One of the best analogies I use when teaching sequencing to pitchers is a roller coaster.

The Role of Momentum in Pitching

Think about the moment at the peak of a roller coaster—right before the drop. The cart tips forward, gravity takes over, and suddenly, momentum builds without extra effort. You’re not actively forcing speed; the track, gravity, and physics do the work for you.

Pitching should work the same way.

At the top of your leg lift, your weight is like the roller coaster sitting at the peak—loaded with potential energy. The moment you shift your weight inside your back foot and begin moving down the mound, your back leg gains momentum, just like a roller coaster picking up speed.

For this to happen efficiently, a few key elements must be in place:

  • Back foot anchoring: Creating ground reaction force provides the foundation for generating momentum.

  • Pelvis mass shift: As the pelvis begins to move forward, the body naturally gains mass and momentum down the mound, syncing the lower and upper body.

  • Sequencing the arm path: As momentum builds, the pelvis opens, the throwing arm rotates into position, and the body leverages its mass efficiently.

The Science Behind Efficient Energy Transfer

Once the lower body builds momentum, the throwing elbow moves up and over the shoulder, the wrist lays back, and the upper body mass tips forward over the center of mass. This natural sequence allows the elbow to extend further out in front before getting pulled down and across the body.

What does this accomplish?

  • More velocity without extra effort

  • Better command through repeatable mechanics

  • Greater durability by reducing excess tension on the arm

This sequence aligns with third-class leverage, a key biomechanical principle referenced in the research of Don R. Mueller, Ph.D. By allowing energy to flow without disruption, pitchers can maximize their output while minimizing unnecessary strain.

Letting Acceleration Happen

The best pitchers don’t force movement—they feel it.

This is where proprioception and neurological efficiency play a crucial role. Proprioception—the body’s ability to sense and adjust movement—helps pitchers trust their sequencing, while neurological efficiency ensures the brain fires the right muscles at the right time. When these two factors align, a pitcher moves explosively, repeats mechanics with ease, and allows energy to transfer without disruption.

For years, I believed velocity and power came from sheer effort. But great pitchers don’t force acceleration—they allow it to happen.

If I could go back, I’d tell my younger self one thing:

Learn to ride the roller coaster.


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